Alarmed and concerned by the increasing number of assaults on nurses in the workplace, Amy Castillo took a data-driven and creative approach to improve the safety of her colleagues and workplace. Amy designed The Gray Dot, a straightforward impactful symbol, visually alerting staff of high-risk situations prior to entering a room. Amy’s symbol started the conversation about healthcare worker safety and this project is set to go systemwide. Amy has courageously and tirelessly advocated for workplace safety. Recognizing the leadership capacity potential in her colleagues, Amy inspired and mobilized her nursing team to achieve an outstanding completion rate of 70% for Crisis Prevention Intervention Training. She has created a strong team spirit and a culture focused on safety.   

Active in direct clinical care, Amy not only takes great pride in her professional responsibilities, but also harbors a deep desire to inspire positive change in the lives of those around her. With patience, understanding, and individualized approaches she guides and leads nursing students and colleagues, and in doing so, is shaping the professional practice and lives of our newest and most seasoned nurses. Amy is an excellent clinician and an example of the limitless potential of nursing to save and improve lives.