Carrie Clark Kunnath is a subject matter expert on Epic, the electronic health record. She values efficacy and clarity and creating documentation enhancements with the Nursing Informatics Council. She works tirelessly on preventing errors in chemotherapy administration through the creation of a policy, ensuring clear language and expectations. She offers her knowledge so workflows can be consolidated as opposed to replicated. Carrie is unparalleled in the ability to craft communication and produced a training video on allogeneic transplants to educate her nursing colleagues who lacked experience in performing the procedure. Her creativity and expertise were instrumental in making the video an effective tool for training and education.

Carrie not only cares for patients but ensures the creation of a work environment that facilitates safe practice. She goes out of her way to make the work of nurses more fluid and safer for patients. Confident and wise, never hesitating to share her thoughts at meetings, she is engaged and asks thoughtful questions. Carrie is eloquent and succinct in communicating important considerations for nursing practice.