The position of Chief Union Representative is an unpaid role without an official set of guidelines or instructions to follow. Despite this, David Yamada has dedicated great effort and hundreds of hours of his personal time to the role. He is committed to establishing a supportive work environment that prioritizes the well-being and safety of nurses, knowing that it ultimately leads to better experiences and outcomes for patients and communities. David’s ability to embrace the interests of multiple parties to build consensus benefits everyone, and his approach has been a calming influence on union members and employer management and leadership. 

As a clinician, David approaches nursing from several vantage points. He is expert at building rapport with patients and makes a difference one on one, helping them heal. Oftentimes he can be found sitting with a family member engrossed in a long conversation delving deep into topics such as goal-setting, self advocacy, and stress reduction. When presented with the complex, difficult, and sensitive end-of-life conversations with patients and their families, or preparing for an organ transplant, David is an invaluable resource to clinical staff. He goes above and beyond in every situation. At a time when clinical work environments are experiencing tremendous stress, David Yamada strives optimistically and graciously forward.