Stirred to action by the spike in assaults against Asian Americans since the pandemic, Hung Wang took the initiative to diffuse tensions, increase understanding, improve relationships, and start a healing dialogue. Hung was an active leader in creating the first professional governance-sponsored “Healing for the Heart” held on April 27, 2021. During the event, he spoke from his heart and offered insights into what he and the Asian-American community had experienced, explaining his own experiences and facilitating conversation. Hung continues to be an active contributor to the professional governance to support inclusivity. The “Faces of Hope” Project is another example of Hung’s desire to reach across obstacles and create solutions. During COVID-19 when masks, face-shields, and protective equipment hid nurses’ faces, Hung found a way to reveal the faces behind the masks. Each member of the team was invited to take a new headshot which was laminated and attached to a badge with their name in large, bold font. When the nurses were not on duty, their badges were affixed to the nurses’ station where they greeted incoming people. 

Hung strives to make the workplace better for all. Undeterred when told there was no location  for a respite space, he pivoted and created the Respite Corner. The corner boasts specialty coffees, aromatherapy, and a massager overlay. Hung’s corner caught the eye of a Health Design Associate who was inspired to consider how to adapt and adopt the Respite Corner. Hung is an advocate for inclusivity and celebrating diversity. He takes ideas and actively translates them into practice.