Cancer care is full of difficult conversations: A patient may be mourning the loss of their hair, or grappling with the serious side effects of a treatment that is their only chance at survival, or fearing the implications of a stem cell transplant. In those moments, Jenny leans in: She puts patients at ease by listening carefully, and supporting them to be partners in their own care. She answers questions clearly and compassionately, ensuring each patient has the information they need to make choices about their treatment. 

Jenny has been especially instrumental in preventing falls—a serious risk facing many of her patients undergoing treatments. She created patient education materials about how to avoid falls, and made sure it was presented in accessible language, with images for those who learn best visually. She is a leader in a nursing initiative called fall-prevention rounds, a program to help clinical nurses accurately assess and respond to each patient’s fall risk, supporting those nurses to provide the safest patient care. 

Jenny’s close attention to detail and tireless development of safety procedures make her a trusted colleague and keep her patients well-informed, safe and heard. Her passion for both individualized care and replicable safety procedures make her a sterling nurse leader.Â