- Caring for the mind, body, and spirit of cancer patients and families.
UCLA Health is a leading provider of cancer care in California, seeing over 10,000 patients monthly. The Simms/Mann-UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology was one of the first-ever integrative cancer centers in the nation, established more than 25 years ago.
The Center is a collaboration between the Simms/Mann Family Foundation and UCLA Health, which came about after the Simms/Mann family personally experienced the transformative benefits of an integrative approach to cancer care.
Built on academic research and advanced treatment approaches, the Center serves as a national model for an interdisciplinary team approach to integrative patient care for individuals and families touched by cancer. It offers free educational and support services that integrate psychological, nutritional, spiritual, and complementary approaches to healing.
Desired Impact
The Foundation was instrumental in establishing the Center at UCLA and creating a model where most services are offered for free.
In 2019, the Foundation made the lead gift to a new endowment campaign, ensuring that the Center’s team-based, whole-person care is permanently available to future generations across the socioeconomic spectrum in Southern and Central California.
Since its inception, the Center has:
- Served thousands of patients, and sees around 600 patients per month
- Offered culturally congruent care with multilingual clinicians and community partnerships
- Developed an intern training program that has trained dozens of interns to help shape the next generation of clinicians in integrative psychosocial and spiritual care
- Begun creating a dynamic digital platform that provides interactive experiences and curated information to patients and their families on holistic topics such as nutrition, mindfulness, and self-care
Endowed Chair

John Glaspy, MD, MPH
Simms/Mann Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Integrative Oncology at UCLA and the Medical Director of the Simms/Mann-UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology
John Glaspy, MD, MPH holds the Simms/Mann Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Integrative Oncology at UCLA and is the Medical Director of the Simms/Mann-UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology. Dr. Glaspy is a professor of medicine...
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I am humbled and grateful for [the Foundation’s] gift. It embodies their longstanding commitment to caring for patients and families, not just treating the symptoms of disease .”